Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

Bruna Babić Visković, mag. ing. oecoing.

Title: Teaching assistant

Public phone number:
01 4597 203
Internal phone number:
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:


Bruna Babić Visković was born on July 31, 1991 in Rijeka. She attended her high school education at the Medical School, majoring in Pharmacy Technician, Rijeka. She enrolled the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, undergraduate university study Chemical Engineering in 2010. She entered her graduate studies in Ecoengineering in 2017, and finished in 2019 under the mentorship of Associate Professor. Davor Dollar, Ph.D. Since December 2019, she has been employed as an assistant at the Analytical Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. In September 2020, she enrolled doctoral study in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the same Faculty.

She is the immediate supervisor of 18 ungraduate and graduate theses. As part of scientific research, she participated in eleven scientific conferences with 19 contributions.

With the aim of popularizing science, she also conducted workshops at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Open Days, the Science Festival and the Science Week (MUZZA) in Zagreb.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

1. B. Babić Visković, A. Maslač, D. Dolar, D. Ašperger, Use of simulated sunlight radiation and hydrogen peroxide to remove xenobiotics from aqueous solutions, Processes, 11 (2023), 3403, doi: 10.3390/pr11123403

2. B. Babić, D. Andrić, A. Farkaš, D. Vuk, D. Ašperger, D. Dolar, Behavior of mebendazole during NF/RO adsorption and photolysis, Membranes, 12 (2022), 888, doi: 10.3390/membranes12090888

3. D. Ašperger, M. Gavranić, B. Prišlin, N. Rendulić, I. Šikuten, Z. Marković, B. Babić, E. Maletić, J. Karoglan Kontić, D. Preiner, I. Tomaz, Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction and matrix solid-phase dispersion for the extraction of polyphenolic compounds from grape skin, Separations, 9 (2022), 235, doi: 10.3390/separations9090235

4. D. Bertagna Silva, G. Buttiglieri, B. Babić, D. Ašperger, S. Babić, Performance of TiO2/UV-LED-Based Processes for Degradation of Pharmaceuticals: Effect of Matrix Composition and Process Variables, Nanomaterials 12 (2022), 295, doi:10.3390/nano12020295

5. S. Morović, K. Košutić, B. Babić, D. Ašperger, Sudbina N-nitrozamina u okolišu i primjenljivi postupci njihovog uklanjanja iz voda, pregledni rad, Hrvatske vode 29 (2021) (117) 175-186

List of select projects

Water reuse and membrane separation processes for a reliable and sustainable water supply, NATO SPS projekt

  • NATO project: from November 1, 2023 to November 1, 2026: Water reuse and membrane separation processes for reliable and sustainable water supply (associate professor Davor Dolar, Ph.D.).
  • HRZZ research project from December 15, 2019 to December 14, 2023: Advanced water purification technologies for the removal of microplastics (Prof. Tomislav Bolanča, Ph.D.).
  • IRI project: from December 20, 2019 to December 20, 2022: A new beginning for old Croatian grape varieties (European Regional Development Fund, Prof. Darko Preiner, PhD)

Past employments

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

2019 – today – assistant