1.1. Reasons for initiation of the study
In the last 40 years the public has become aware that none of the planets of the Earth has any resistance on the consequences of the human activity. It has brought to the international cooperation and solidarity with the intention to protect forests, waters and oceans, soil and the Earths atmosphere. Such big interests for global environment have set new and greater responsibilities to the engineers who work in the industrial production, state institutions and other branches (tourisms, transportation etc.)
This demands special education in the sphere of ecoengineering.
Ecoengineering is the branch of engineering (techniques) which is occupied by:
- protection of people from the influence of the factors which are harmful for the environment
- protection of the environment, local and global one from the potential harmful influences of different human activities
- improvement of the environment quality for human health
Ecoengineering demands technical knowledge about air, water, waste water, solid and dangerous waste and other specialties which study the influences on human health. The application of ecoengineering in economy demands understanding and knowledge of laws, economy, finance, public administration, planning and other social sciences. Ecoengineering education includes the relationship towards different sources of natural resources, their preservation and their rational exploitation.
The protection of environment, because of its complexity, demands systematic approach which takes into consideration the mutual relationships of: man – economy – environment and it can be realized only by means of the interdisciplinary approach to education. The obvious need for ecoengineering education originates from that fact, which will comprise the problems of waste processing and monitoring the emission into the air, water and soil, and the problems of decreasing the pollution and waste on the very source. Prevention of pollution on the source can be realized by the development of technologies with little waste and by the introduction of completely new technologies.
Ecoengineering should be understood as the vision, how the wisdom of the biosphere (everything alive) to apply on the level of human activities in the techno sphere) conscious human technological activity).
The end goal of econengineering is the development and application of “pure” for environment acceptable technologies with the minimal production of waste and with the production of biocompatible secondary products and main products with regard to the strategy of the closed production cycles. Only in this way it is possible to prevent pollution and to keep the quality of the human life and the quality of other living beings. The intention of the interdisciplinary post graduate study ecoengineering is to combine different disciplines and to enable the engineers more effective activity based on more comprehensive education.
Ecoengineering offers classical education to the engineers of different professions – to architects, engineers of agriculture, electrical engineers, naval architecture engineers, civil engineering engineers, chemical and bioprocess engineers, mining engineers, mechanical engineering engineers and engineers of forestry and the additional necessary cognitions so that they could solve the technical questions in the protection of environment in the factory, in the town in the physical planning on two courses:
- postgraduate doctoral study
- postgraduate scientific special study
which are the continuation of the proposed Master’s course Ecoengineering and of other Masters courses at the technical faculties of the University in Zagreb.
The prerequisites for obtaining the Doctor’s degree in the field of technical or biotechnical sciences are realized by means of the basic program of the scientific postgraduate doctoral study. The program of the doctoral study enables the engineers of different Masters` education to develop and broaden the following:.
- the ability of application of interdisciplinary approach in performing the technical projects and investigations during the development of technologies necessary for remediation of the pollution in the environment and the new technologies of decreasing the emissions into the environment.
- general engineering knowledge obtained during the Master`s course in special areas of biology, chemistry and physics, pedology and technical sciences. Chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, mining, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, naval architecture engineering and electrical engineering.
The analysis of eco-education on the technical part of the University in Zagreb has shown that:
- there are not enough technical courses in the existing postgraduate plans
- there are not enough interdisciplinary approach in education
- there are not enough researches of the real problems in the protection of environment
The evident need originates from that, the need for ecoengineering education which will cover not only the problems of processing the waste and monitoring the emission into the air, water and soil, but also the problems of decreasing the sources of pollution and waste. The attempt to prevent the pollution can be realized by the development of technologies with little waste and by introducing the new technologies.
1.2. Recent experiences of the proposer
Technological Faculty of the University in Zagreb (now the Faculty of chemical Engineering and technology) founded in 1974 the postgraduate study "Ecological Engineering". During the eight years of this study it had 180 students of different engineering professions.
The Senate of the University in Zagreb accepted the curriculum of the new interdisciplinary post graduate scientific and professional study Ecoengineering with its Decision from 21st October 2003. It entrusted the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology with the coordination of the new study. With the Agreement about the structure, organization and the teaching performance of the university interdisciplinary postgraduate scientific and professional study Ecoengineering of the University in Zagreb signed on 8th March, 2004 thirteen faculties (13) of the University in Zagreb participated in the realization of the new study course. They are Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum and Faculty of Forestry. In the academic year 2004/2005 there were 7 students registered in the 1st year of the doctoral study Ecoengineering and 10 students applied for participating in the doctoral study in the academic year 2005/2006.
1.3 Openness of the course towards the students' transfer
The proposed postgraduate scientific doctoral study Ecoengineering follows completely the principles of Bologna declaration concerning the openness of the study. The consequent including of European ECTS credit system in which 1 ECTS is 25 hours of total students` class load enables the students participating in some courses at other postgraduate curses of the parent university and at other universities in the Republic of Croatia and Europe. The postgraduate scientific study of Ecoengineering is completely open to the attendances from other studies in the country and from abroad, including the professional specialist studies, as well as to the individuals from the state institutions, from public and private economic sector in accordance with the principles of the whole life education. In connection with this, the conception of the postgraduate scientific doctoral study Ecoengineering enables, according to the needs, the subsequent including of the study or a part of it into the common program with the universities abroad.
2.1. Course name
Technical and biotechnical area, field defined by the parent profession or the field of the second basic technical science – the branch of the environment protection.
2.2. Educational institution in charge
The University in Zagreb is the proposer of the course and 13 Faculties of the University in Zagreb are the performers. They are the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum and Faculty of Forestry. They are the subscribers of the Agreement about the structure, organization and the teaching performance of the university interdisciplinary postgraduate scientific and professional study Ecoengineering of the University in Zagreb, signed on 8th March 2004. The coordinator of the course is the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology.
2.4. Innovativeness of the doctoral program
On the basis of the pollution problems of environment, its causes and influences, the courses offered on doctoral study of ecoengineering contain:
- basic knowledge from ecology, chemistry, biology and microbiology in regad to the environment
- special knowledge about management with waste, waste waters and air pollution
- special knowledge about pure technologies, about the decrease of sources and control of air, water and soil pollution, technologies wit small quantity of waste and recycling techniques
- special knowledge from the economy and law
The systematic approach which takes into consideration the mutually depending relationships man – economy – environment is built in the understanding of the environment protection by the combination of those relevant cognitions from several disciplines. Such interdisciplinary approach to the scientific doctoral study which is according to the constitution and crediting similar to PhD studies in USA (Drexel University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California, Riverside) as well as to Vertiefungsfach Umwelttechnik, Universität Dortmund, S R Germany is the new one in education of environment at the University in Zagreb, where the multidiscipline approach to education prevails in which the questions concerning the protection of environment are bond to the particular basic scientific discipline of the profession.
2.5. Registration conditions for the course
The basic conditions for the registration must be in accordance to the existing laws in the Republic of Croatia, and with the Statute of the University in Zagreb.
The students who have finished the Master’s course at the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum and Faculty of Forestry can register for the study Ecoengineering. The attendance who graduated at the Faculty of Science and other corresponding Universities at Masters` courses and other specialist postgraduate courses in the Republic of Croatia or abroad, can register for the postgraduate doctoral study Ecoengineering on the suggestion of the leader of the study and according the permission of the Professional Council of the study composed of the representatives of the lecturers of the Faculties, the subscribers of the Agreement.
The professional council of the study determines by the decision, the courses which contain the basic technical and biotechnical cognitions necessary for the registration for the doctoral study.
2.6. Criteria of the attendance choice
The attendances who had finished the Masters` course of the technical or biotechnical profile and who have good bases in mathematics, information sciences and computer sciences, physics, chemistry, biology and mechanics which is proved by the determined number of credits and the mark at the final diploma thesis at the University in Zagreb, in the Republic of Croatia or abroad, or who finished the specialist study Ecoengineering with the average mark 4 can register for the interdisciplinary scientific postgraduate doctoral study Ecoengineering. For registration for the scientific study the candidates must have the average mark 3,5 at the Masters study.
2.7. Competences, continuation of the scientific –research work, possibility of further upgrading, employment possibilities
After finishing the postgraduate study Ecoengineering, the doctors of science must understand the basic principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological sciences and engineering. They must be able to connect information from different disciplines and to formulate the new and more successful approach to the special problems of environment protection as well as to obtain the abilities of planning and performing the creative research program which enables the obtaining of new knowledge. Doctor of the technical or biotechnical sciences in the field determined by the parent profession gives in dissertation the original contribution, from the technical point of view, to the chosen problems from the improvement and protection of environment.