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About employee

prof. dr. sc. Danijela Ašperger

Title: Full professor with tenure

Public phone number:
01 4597 212
Internal phone number:
Cellphone number:
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Graduation year:
mr.sc. graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:


Danijela Ašperger (nee Ivanković) was born on December 22, 1973 in Zagreb, where she graduated on the Chemical and Geological Technical School in 1992. In the same year, she entered the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb, where in 1997 she received the Rector's Award for the best written student paper: Monitoring of the production process of Reactive Red 120 dyes using the signal ratio method, and assessment of the income statement and eco-efficiency, made under the mentorship of prof. Ph.D. Zorana Grabarić and prof. Ph.D. Natalija Koprivanac at the Department of Polymer Engineering and Organic Chemical Technology. Diploma thesis: Toxicity of pesticides to microorganisms in soil and water was defended on September 30, 1998 under the mentorship of prof. Ph.D. Felicita Briški at the Department of Industrial Ecology. Since March 1, 1999, she has been employed at the Department of Analytical Chemistry as a junior research assistant. In the same year, she enrolled in a postgraduate course in Engineering Chemistry, and she completed her master's thesis, Anodic Sampling of Alloys for Chromatographic Analysis, under the mentorship of prof. Ph.D. Marija Kaštelan-Macan and defended on February 28, 2003, when she moved to the associate title of assistant. She defended her doctoral thesis: Development of chromatographic methods for the determination of veterinary antibiotics in the environment on March 20, 2007, also under the mentorship of prof. Ph.D. Marija Kaštelan-Macan at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb. After defending her doctoral thesis in 2007, she became a research associate, and in 2009 she was elected to the scientific-teaching position of assistant professor, after which she participates in classes and is the leader of several courses at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 2013, she was elected to the position of senior research associate (June 5, 2013) and to the scientific teaching position of associate professor (October 22, 2013). By the decision of the Parent Board for the field of natural sciences, the field of chemistry, she was elected to the scientific title of scientific advisor on November 15, 2018, and to the scientific-teaching title of full professor on January 22, 2019.

She is a member of the Chromatography Section of the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists (HDKI), and from 2021 she is the president of that Section. She is also a member of the Society of Engineer Graduates and Friends of Chemical Technology Studies (AMACIZ). In ac. year 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. she was the head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry. From ac. year 2012/2013 until today, she is the coordinator for student support, from ac. year 2013/2014 until 2020/2021. she was the president of the Committee for Quality Management of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology and a member of the aforementioned Committee from year 2021/2022. until now, from January 2018 to January 2020, she was the president of the Committee for Quality in university study programs for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, she was a member of the Internal Assessment Working Group of the University of Zagreb from 2015 to 2017, she is a member of the Committee for Systematic review of study programs in ac. year 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, in 2010 she was the president of the Committee for Objections in the process of conducting the election of members of the Student Union, from 2022 she is the president of the Committee for the Promotion and Visibility of the Faculty's Study Programs, and from year 2021/2022 to this day, she is a member of the Committee for promoting the name of the Faculty.

He speaks, writes and reads English, and if necessary, uses German and Spanish. She has been married since 2003 and is the mother of two girls.

Awards and acknowledgments

Scientific award/recognition

1.       Rector's award for the best written student paper, D. Ivanković, S. Tomičić, Monitoring of the Reactive Red 120 dye production process using the signal ratio method and assessment of the income statement and eco-efficiency, 1997, Mentors: prof. Ph.D. Natalija Koprivanac and prof. Ph.D. Zorana Grabarić

2.      Award for the best poster, 19th International Symposium on Separation Sciences "New Achievements in Chromatography", Poreč, Croatia, 2013.


Professional award/recognition

1. Award and recognition for innovation at the innovation exhibition INOVA Youth 2013: 3u1-FTN (Marin Kovačić, mentor D. Ašperger), Zagreb, May 4, 2013.

2. Award and recognition for innovation at the innovation exhibition INOVA Mladi 2014: Voltamini (Marin Kovačić, mentor D. Ašperger), Zagreb, May 10, 2014.

3. Franjo Hanaman Award for all activities in promoting the name of the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Zagreb, September 25, 2023.

Professional memberships

Field of work:

Analytical chemistry (chromatography (TLC, HPLC-DAD-FLD-MS)), toxicity (ELIZA, Vibrio fischeri), determination of metals and organic pollutants, sample preparation (microwave digestion and extraction, ultrasonic digestion and extraction, SPE) for chromatographic (TLC, LC) and spectrometric (AAS, ICP) methods.

Scientific training:

1. HRZZ project: Fate of pharmaceuticals in the environment and during advanced water treatment processes, National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (February 2019)

2. Bilateral cooperation HR-SLO, Babić-Vovk, Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (September 2007 and December 2008)

3. CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Department of Environmental Chemistry IIQAB, Barcelona, ​​Spain, within the EU project (INCO CT 2004-509188) - Reduction of environmental risks, posed by Emerging Contaminants, through advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastes (EMCO), (April-July 2007)

4. Slovenian European Natural Research Center (SENARC), Maribor, Slovenia, (July 2006)

5. Center for applied spectroscopy, International summer school, Belgrade, Serbia, (August/September 2005)

6. Imaging Techniques in Planar Chromatography, Jezersko, Slovenia, (May 1999)


Establishment and operationalization of summer schools, courses:

1. School of liquid chromatography, in cooperation with PLIV, date, 2007.

2. School of thin-layer chromatography, in cooperation with PLIV, date, 2001.


Work on popularizing the profession:

Collaborator in editing the monograph INSTITUTE OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1919-1999, (edited by M. Kaštelan-Macan and A. Horvat), Zagreb, 1999, Professional assistance in the preparation of scripts by M. Kaštelan-Macan, Examination of materials, Zagreb, 1999 ./2000, Lecture AMACIZ 2003, "Anodic sampling of alloys for chromatographic analysis" Chromatographic Separation of Veterinary Antibiotics // YISAC 2005 12th Young, Investigators', Seminar on Analytical Chemistry. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2005, Member of the commission for the State Chemistry Competition, Čakovec, 2005, Organized by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, the Institute of Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Chemical Society, Member of the Commission for the State Chemistry Competition, Rab , 2006, Organized by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, the Institute of Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Chemical Society, Participation in the Science Festival with lectures and workshops from 2006 to the present at the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum in Zagreb and coordinator in front of the Faculty since 2019. of the year, Cooperation on the graphic preparation of the textbook LABORATORY FUNDAMENTALS OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Zagreb, 2006, (Author: Z. Šoljić), Lecture as part of the international seminar "Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection" organized by the Institute of International Relations, Zagreb Croatia and the Academy of Sciences, Social Technologies and Local Self-Government, Moscow, Russian Federation, IMO-FKIT, Zagreb, 22-24. 9. 2008, Lecture as part of the summer school in Višnjan (leader: Korade Korlević) "Determination of antioxidants in chocolate", 2008, Collaborator in the editing of the monograph NEW YOUTH OF THE CENTENNIAL - Institute of Analytical Chemistry 1999-2009, (ed. S. Babić and M. Kaštelan-Macan), Zagreb, 2009, Technical editor of the proceedings of the 1st REPHAD Workshop "Veterinary pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in the environment", FKIT, Zagreb, 2009, Guest appearances on Croatian Radio and Television in the show "Good morning Hrvatska" (April 2010), Guest appearances on Croatian Radio and Television in the show "Znanstvena petica" (May 2010), Guest appearances on Croatian radio and television in the program "School Hour" (October 2010), Member of the Committee for the selection of the best scientific paper at "Scientific meetings of the 3rd kind", Ruđer Bošković Institute, 2011, Lecture at the gathering "Let's celebrate chemistry at FKIT " (organizers: Irena Škorić and Sandra Babić) "Chocolate is chemistry too", 2011, guest appearance on Croatian Radio and Television in the program "School Hour" (January 2011), reviewer of the handbook for preparing for the state graduation exam "Chemistry" ( authors: B. Domjanović, A. Habuš, M. Herak, S. Liber, J. Novak, Lj. petrić, B. Sever, D. Stričević, V. Tomašić, B. Zdjelarević), publisher: Profil International, 2012, Reviewer "Chemistry in brief" - General chemistry 1 (authors: A. Habuš, D. Stričević, S. Liber ), publisher: Profil International, 2012, reviewer of "Chemistry in a Nutshell" - General Chemistry 2 (authors: A. Habuš, D. Stričević, S. Liber), publisher: Profil International, 2012, leader of mini-workshops for children of elementary and secondary schools - What is done in the analytical laboratory? – 2009-2013, within the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Fair of Ideas 2014, 2016 and 2017, member of the organizing committee, Fair of Ideas 2015, president of the organizing committee, Open Day of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology 2016, 2017, 2022 ., 2023, Popularization of the technical and natural sciences as part of the JOBSTEM European project - held 24 workshops, 2016, MUZZA science week, 2023, and various workshops for elementary schools (Rudeš Elementary School in 2022, Pavleka Miškine Elementary School in 2023, etc. ).


Professional societies, working groups (specify functions):

1. Member of the working group for Internal Judgment of the University of Zagreb from 2015 to 2017.

2. President of the Committee for Quality Management at university study programs for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia since January 2018, according to the decision made at the 4th session of the Council of Studies of the University Undergraduate Studies in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management.

3. Member of the committee for accreditation of study programs at the University of Maribor, 2016.

4. President of the Committee for Quality Management at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb from 2013 to 2021, and member of the same Committee from 2021 until now.

5. Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb from October 2015 to October 2017.

6. Student support coordinator from 2012 until today.

7. Member of the Committee for systematic review of study programs (study - Chemical Engineering) for the academic year 2011/2012. and 2012/2013. according to the decision of the Faculty Council of the 154th regular session held on September 12, 2011.

8. Member of the Quality Management Committee for the academic years 2011/2012. and 2012/2013.

9. President of the Committee for Complaints in the Procedure for the Election of Student Union Members for 2010 7.

10. Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists (HDKI), Chromatography Section, member since 2000 and deputy president of the Chromatography Section from 2018 to 2021, and president of the section from 2021 to the present. 

11. AMACIZ - Association of Graduate Engineers and Friends of Chemical and Technological Studies, member since 1999.


Other professional activities:

1. Organization and implementation of a seminar on physical-chemical analysis of water, soil and food for the Vladimir Prelog School of Natural Sciences, Water Analysis Seminar (organized at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb): D. Ašperger, S. Babić, D. Mutavdžić Pavlović, 15.-17. February 2016

2. Participation in the workshop for teachers of vocational secondary schools "Good laboratory practice" (in cooperation with FKIT and the Agency for Vocational Education, July 2008), D. Ašperger, D. Mutavdžić Pavlović, Workshop - exercises: Spectrometric determination of iron in cement , Turbidimetric determination of sulfate in water, Chromatographic determination of polyphenolic compounds in chocolate, Anodic sampling of coins for analysis by thin layer chromatography.

3. Reviewer in scientific journals: Analytical Methods (1), Chemosphere (1), Combinatorial Chemistry and High throughput Screening (1), Croatica Chemica Acta (1), Current Pharmaceutical Analysis (1), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2), Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management (2), Food Analytical Method (1), International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (1), Environmental Engineering (1), Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (1), Journal of Chromatography A (15) , Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2), Journal of Separation Science (2), Chemistry in Industry (2), PLOS ONE (1), Technologica Acta (1), The Holistic Approach to Environment (2), Waste and Biomass Valorization (1).

4. B. Zelić, S. Kurajica, D. Ašperger, A. Vrsalović Presečki, H. Otmačić Ćurković, I. Škorić, M. Vuković Domanovac, J. Macan, T. Gazivoda Kraljević, G. Matijašić, M. Gretić, N. Rimac, A. Sander, A. Jukić, S. Lučić Blagojević, S. Raić Malić, V. Tomašić, S. Babić, M. Rogošić, Z. Findrik Blažević, Z. Mandić, T. Bolanča, S. Martinez , E. Govorčin Bajsić, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Self-analysis 2014/2015, 2015 (official document).

5. D. Ašperger, A. Vrsalović Presečki, H. Otmačić Ćurković, K. Marković, D. Blažek, B. Zelić, I. Škorić, M. Rogošić, Manual for quality assurance, 2015 (official document).


Member since 1999 - :

1.  Association of Graduated Engineers and Friends of Chemical and Technological Studies (AMACIZ), 2. Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists (HDKI).

List of select projects

A.2.      Projects

A.2.1.    International project manager

A.2.1.1.        Determination of toxicity and physico-chemical properties of pharmaceuticals, Bilateral project Croatia-Slovenia, voditeljice: Danijela Ašperger s hrvatske strane projekta i Tina Kosjek sa slovenske strane projekta, 2012.-2013. https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/znanost/medunarodni_projekti#Bilateralni%20i%20multilateralni


A.2.3.     Active participation in the realization of scientific projects

A.2.3.1.  Active participation in the implementation of international scientific projects

A.     Reduction of environmental risks, posed by emerging contaminants, through advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastes – EMCO, 6th Framework Programme EU, INCO CT 2004-509188, voditelj projekta: prof. Damia Barcelo, hrvatska voditeljica projekta: red. prof. Marija Kaštelan-Macan, 2004.-2007., uloga pristupnice: suradnica. https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/znanost/medunarodni_projekti#FP6%20(Framework%20Programme%206)

A.     Development of chromatographic methods for determination of proanthocyanidins in food and nutraceuticals, Bilateral project Croatia-Slovenia, voditeljice: Sandra Babić s hrvatske strane projekta i Irena Vovk sa slovenske strane projekta, 2007.-2008., uloga pristupnice: suradnica. https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/znanost/medunarodni_projekti#Bilateralni%20i%20multilateralni

A.     Reduction of environmental risks posed by pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in process wastewaters, through RO/NF membrane treatment (REPHAD), projekt Fonda „Jedinstvo uz pomoć znanja“, voditeljica projekta: prof. emerita Marija Kaštelan-Macan, 2007.-2011., uloga pristupnice: suradnica.                    https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/znanost/medunarodni_projekti#UKF%20(Unity%20through%20Knowledge%20Fund)

A.     Taste and Odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking Water Problems, COST projekt CA18225, voditelj prof. dr. sc. Triantafyllos Kaloudis iz Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Greece, 2019.-2024., uloga pristupnice: suradnica, koordinator ispred Hrvatske.  https://nireas-iwrc.org/research-projects/on-going-projects/watertop/

A.     Water reuse and membrane separation processes for a reliable and sustainable water supply, NATO SPS projekt, voditelj izv. prof. dr. sc. Davor Dolar, 2023.-2026., uloga pristupnice: suradnica.  https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/WaRMem


A.2.3.2. Active participation in the implementation of domestic scientific projects

A.     Organske tvari u vodi za piće, projekt MZOŠ, voditelj: red. prof. Branko Kunst, 1999.-2002., uloga pristupnice: suradnica.

A.     Kemometrijska procjena i optimizacija separacijskih parametara, projekt MZOŠ, voditeljica: red. prof. Marija Kaštelan-Macan, 2002.-2007., uloga pristupnice: suradnica. http://zprojekti.mzos.hr/zProjektiOld/prikaz_det.asp?sort=0&offset=1303&ID=0125055

A.     Razvoj naprednih analitičkih metoda za određivanje farmaceutika u okolišu, projekt MZOŠ, voditeljica: izv. prof. Sandra Babić, 2007.-2013., uloga pristupnice: suradnica.   http://zprojekti.mzos.hr/public/c2prikaz_det.asp?cid=1&psid=4&ID=1733

A.     Sudbina farmaceutika u okolišu i tijekom naprednih postupaka obrade vode, HRZZ projekt, voditeljica red. prof. dr. sc. Sandra Babić, 2015.-2019., uloga pristupnice: suradnica. https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/PharmaFate

A.     Izravna oporaba komunalne otpadne vode za navodnjavanje membranskim tehnologijama, HRZZ projekt, voditelj doc. dr. sc. Davor Dolar, 2017.-2019., uloga pristupnice: suradnica. https://prilagodba-klimi.hr/izravna-oporaba-komunalne-otpadne-vode-za-navodnjavanje-membranskim-tehnologijama/

A.     Novi početak za stare hrvatske sorte vinove loze, projekt financiran od Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj - ULAGANJE U ZNANOST I INOVACIJE (voditelj izv. prof. dr. sc. Darko Preiner sa Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu), 2019.-2022., uloga pristupnice: suradnica.  https://crovitirestart.com/

A.     Primjena naprednih tehnologija obrade voda za uklanjanje mikroplastike, HRZZ projekt, voditelj prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Bolanča, 2019.-2023., uloga pristupnice: suradnica., uloga pristupnice: suradnica.  https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/AdWaTMir


Past employments

University of Zagreb

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Department of Analytical Chemistry:


• 2019 – today - full-time professor,

• 2013 – 2019 - associate professor,

• 2009 – 2013 - assistant professor,

• 2007 – 2009 - research associate,

• 1999 – 2007 - scientific trainee.