izv. prof. dr. sc. Davor Dolar
Title: Associate professor
associate professor
Public phone number: 01 4597 240
Internal phone number: 240
Department of Physical Chemistry
Employed in this institution since: 2004
Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database
List of select publications
- M. Racar, D. Dolar, K. Košutić, Chemical cleaning of flat sheet ultrafiltration membranes fouled by effluent organic matter, Sep. Purif. Technol. 188 (2017) 140-146 (doi: 10.1016/j.seppur.2017.07.041)
- M. Racar, D. Dolar, M. Farkaš, N. Milčić, A. Špehar, K. Košutić, Rendering plant wastewater reclamation by coagulation, sand filtration, and ultrafiltration, Chemosphere 227 (2019) 207-215 (doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.04.045)
- M. Racar, D. Dolar, K. Karadakić, N. Čavarović, N. Glumac, D. Ašperger, K. Košutić, Challenges of municipal wastewater reclamation for irrigation by MBR and NF/RO: physico-chemical and microbiological parameters, and emerging contaminants, Science of the total environment 722 (2020) 137959 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137959)
- I. Ćurić, D. Dolar, K. Karadakić, Textile wastewater reusability in knitted fabric washing processes using UF membrane technology, Journal of Cleaner Production 299 (2021) 126899 (doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126899)
- I. Ćurić, D. Dolar, J. Bošnjak, Reuse of textile wastewater for dyeing cotton knitted fabric with hybrid treatment: coagulation/sand filtration/UF/NF-RO, Journal of Environmental Management 295 (2021) 113133 (doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113133)
Pressure membrane processes (membrane bioreactor, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis)
Wastewater treatment
Wastewater reuse
Removal or contaminants of emerging concern
Characterization of RO/NF/UF membranes
- ReHOHMem: Direct reuse of municipal wastewater for agricultural irrigation with membrane technologies, Croatian Science Foundation, 2017.-2019. (HRZZ-PKP-06-8522)
- WaRMem: Water Reuse and Membrane Separation Processes for a Reliable and Sustainable Water Supply, NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, 2023.-2026. (MYP G6087)
- EMCO: Reduction of environmental risks, posed by Emerging Contaminants, through advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastes-EMCO, FP6 project INCO CT 2004-509188, (2004. – 2007.)
- REPHAD: Reduction of environmental risks posed by pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in process wastewaters, through RO/NF membrane treatment (REPHAD),UKF grant agreement No.05/07 (2007. – 2010.)
2004 - 2009 - science novice, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
2009 - 2014 - postdoc, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
2014 - 2019 - assistent professor, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
2019 - today - University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
tennis, wolleyball, basketball, running, cycling