Title: Teaching assistant
1. Dolar, Davor; Ćurić, Iva; Ašperger, Danijela
Removal, adsorption, and cleaning of pharmaceutical on polyamide RO and NF membranes // Polymers, 15 (2023), 12; 2745, 14. doi: 10.3390/polym15122745
2. Ćurić, Iva ; Dolar, Davor ; Horvat, Josip ; Grgić, Katia
Effect of textile wastewater secondary effluent on UF membrane characteristics // Polymers, 14 (2022), 10; 2035, 14. doi: 10.3390/polym14102035
3. Ćurić, Iva ; Dolar, Davor
Investigation of pretreatment of textile wastewater for membrane processes and reuse for washing dyeing machines // Membranes, 12 (2022), 5; 449, 12. doi: 10.3390/membranes12050449
4. Dolar, Davor ; Ćurić, Iva ; Glumac, Nada
Oporaba komunalne otpadne vode za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih površina membranskim procesima // Hrvatske Vode, 30 (2022), 120; 73-80
5. Ćurić, Iva ; Dolar, Davor ; Karadakić, Klara
Textile wastewater reusability in knitted fabric washing processes using UF membrane technology // Journal of cleaner production, 299 (2021), 126899, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126899
6. Ćurić, Iva ; Dolar, Davor ; Bošnjak, Jelena
Reuse of textile wastewater for dyeing cotton knitted fabric with hybridtreatment: Coagulation/sand filtration/UF/NF-RO // Journal of environmental management, 295 (2021), 113133, 8. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113133
7. Ćurić, Iva ; Dolar, Davor ; Karadakić, Klara
Uklanjanje bojila iz tekstilne otpadne vode ultrafiltracijskim membranama // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 69 (2020), 13(SI); P39-P46. doi: 10.15255/KUI.2020.034
2021. Plotnik's award for the best young scientist
2021. Annual award of the society of university teachers and other scientists in Zagreb
Pressure membrane processes (membrane bioreactor, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis)
Wastewater treatment
Wastewater reuse
Removal or contaminants from wastewater
Characterization of RO/NF/UF membranes
1. WaRMem: Water Reuse and Membrane Separation Processes for a Reliable and Sustainable Water Supply, NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, 2023.-2026. (MYP G6087)
2016 - 2017 - assistant to the head of quality control Omial Novi d.o.o.
2017 - 2021 - technologist in research and development Galeb d.d.
2021 - today - assistant at the Department of Physical Chemistry