Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

prof. dr. sc. Krešimir Košutić

Title: Full professor with tenure

Public phone number:
01 4597 232
Internal phone number:
Department of Physical Chemistry
Graduation year:
mr.sc. graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:




Name: Krešimir Košutić

Date and place of birth: February 6, 1965, Krapina, Croatia

Nationality: Croatian

Address: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Marulićev trg 19, HR-10000 Zagreb



June 2, 1999, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb
Mentor: Prof. Branko Kunst, PhD
Doctoral thesis: "Porosity of reverse osmosis membranes for water treatment"


July 7, 1995,  Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb
Mentor: Prof. Branko Kunst, PhD
Master thesis: "Changes in the tranport characteristics of cellulose acetate membranes due to hydrolysis"


December 8, 1991, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the University of Zagreb
Mentor: Prof. Branko Kunst, PhD
Final thesis: "Preparation and characterization of cellulose triacetate membranes"

Research interest:

Physical chemistry of polymer membranes: preparation, modification and characterization

Physical and chemical water treatment processes: pressure membrane separation processes (reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration), adsorption, coagulation/flocculation

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

Scientific papers: >70 complete scientific works, of which 56 are in the WoS database and 60 in the Scopus 

2 chapters in the book, 1 chapter in the textbook

Professional papers: 6 professional papers and 4 expert studies

The most cited works (Scopus):

1. K. Košutić, D. Dolar, D. Ašperger, B. Kunst, Removal of antibiotics from a model wastewater by RO/NF membranes, Sep. Purif. Technol., 53 (3) (2007) 244-249, Q1 (228 citations)

2. K. Košutić, L. Furač, L. Sipos, B. Kunst, Removal of arsenic and pesticides from drinking water by nanofiltration membranes, Sep. Purif. Technol., 42 (2) (2005) 137-144, Q1 (218  citations)

3. K. Košutić, L. Kaštelan-Kunst, B. Kunst, Porosity of some commercial reverse osmosis and nanofiltration polyamide thin-film composite membranes, J. Membr. Sci., 168 (1-2) (2000) 101-108, Q1 (139  citations)

4. D. Dolar, K. Košutić, B. Vučić, RO/NF Treatment of wastewater from fertilizer factory -removal of fluoride and phosphate, Desalination, 265 (1-3) (2011) 237-241, Q1 (126  citations)

5. D. Dolar, K. Košutić, T. Strmecky, Hybrid processes for treatment of landfill leachate: Coagulation/UF/NF-RO and adsorption/UF/NF-RO, Sep. Purif. Technol., 168 (2016) 39-46,  Q1 (106  citations)

6. E. Dražević, K. Košutić, V. Freger, Permeability and selectivity of reverse osmosis membranes: Correlation to swelling revisited, Water Res., 49 (2014) 444-452, Q1 (101  citations)

7. K. Košutić, B. Kunst, Removal of organics from aqueous solutions by commercial RO and NF membranes of characterized porosities, Desalination, 142 (1) (2002) 47-56, Q1 (98  citations)


WoSCC:  >1850,  h-index 25

Scopus:  >2150,  h-indeks 27

Google Scholar:  >3050, h-indeks 31, i10-indeks 42

ResearchGate:  >2400, h-index 27

Awards and acknowledgments

2016. "Fran Bošnjaković" Award of the University of Zagreb for 2016 for outstanding results in the field of scientific and professional activities, for the promotion of scientific discipline and profession, and a special contribution to the transfer of knowledge and the education of young experts in the field of technical sciences.

2023University of Zagreb - Rector special award to Alegra Vezjak Fluksi, a student of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, for her international success in scientific and professional work achieved by co-authoring the paper: S. Morović, A. Vezjak Fluksi, S. Babić, K. Košutić, Impact of Polymer Chain Rearrangements in the PA Structure of RO Membranes on Water Permeability and N-Nitrosamine Rejection, Molecules, Molecules, 28(16) (2023) 6124 (https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28166124) published in journal Molecules (Q1).

2024. Gold Medal and a Special Award for Best Innovation in the field of chemical technology at the 48th International Invention Show, INOVA 2024, Zagreb, Croatia, for innovation entitled ''Increasing the separation of N-nitrosamines by modifying RO membranes using molecular plugs - linear amines and diamines''.

Professional memberships

Professional Societies 

Member: European Desalination Society

Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists

Association of graduate engineers and friends of chemical technology studies in Zagreb

Working groups

Member of the Committee for Scientific and Artistic Work of FKIT Students: 2005.-2012; 2014.,2016.; 2018. -2022.

Member of the FKIT Ethics Committee: 2013-2017.

Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology in two consecutive two-year terms: 2005.-2007.; 2013.-2015.

Reviewer in foreign and domestic journals

1. Journal of Membrane Science

2. Desalination

3. Separation and Purification Technology

4. Journal of Hazardous Materials

5. Materials Chemistry and Physics

6. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly Journal

7. Desalination and Water Treatment

8. Chemosphere

9. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification

10. Environmental Technology

11. Croatian waters

12. Chemistry in Industry

13. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

14. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

15. Water Resources and Industry   

List of select projects

Principal investigator (PI) of domestic project
1. Membrane and adsorption procedures for the removal of organic substances during water treatment, MZOS of the Republic of Croatia, 25-1253008-3009, 2007 - 2013

2. Innovative approaches for water disinfection byproducts mitigation - new technologies for new challenges, HRZZ-IP-2024-05-7383, 2024-2027

PI of the following subprojects:

1. Removal of inorganic and organic pollutants from waters by sustainable membrane technologies (10-040/07), Croatian Waters, 2007.

2. Removal of inorganic and organic pollutants from water by sustainable membrane technologies (10-0598/08), Hrvatske vode, 2008.

2. Removal of inorganic and organic pollutants from water using sustainable membrane technologies (10-067/09), Hrvatske vode, 2009.

4. Membrane and adsorption processes for the removal of organic substances during water treatment: Occurrence, simultaneous detection and membrane (RO and NF) removal of pesticides from water'' (10-063/11), Hrvatske vode, 2011.

PI of University Support (short-term scientific research)

1. Removal of organic pollutants from water using advanced reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane processes, University of Zagreb (, 2013.

2. Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration removal of N-nitrosamines from water - determination of diffusion and partition coefficients, University of Zagreb (TP1.41), 2014.

3. Removal of specific pollutants from water using membrane processes, University of Zagreb (TP063), 2015.

4. Membrane treatment of wastewater resulting from the processing of animal by-products, University of Zagreb, 2016.

5. Recovery of rendering and municipal wastewater by combined membrane processes, University of Zagreb, 2017

6. UF/NF/RO treatment of wastewater from the rendering plant, University of Zagreb, 2018.

7. Municipal wastewater treatment with membrane procedures, University of Zagreb, 2019.

8.  Optimizing molecular interactions in polymer composites and fluids containing cellulose nanofibers, University of Zagreb, 2021. (team member)

9. Research on the influence of organic solvents on the performance of commercial NF/RO membranes, University of Zagreb, 2020.

10. Development of analytical methods for monitoring the efficiency of N-nitrosamine removal from water by reverse osmosis, University of Zagreb, 2022.

11. RO/NF removal of disinfection by-products from model waters and optimization of analytical methods for their detection, University of Zagreb, 2023.

12. RO removal of N-nitrosamines from water and optimization of analytical methods for their detection in the low concentration area, University of Zagreb, 2024

International scientific projects

1. Reduction of environmental risks, posed by Emerging Contaminants, through advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastes-EMCO, (FP6 project INCO CT 2004-509188, Coordinator: Damia Barcelo, Barcelona, Spain, Partner 3 – FKIT, 2004. – 2007. (team member, PI of membrane group)

2. Reduction of environmental risks posed by pharmaceuticals and their degradation products in process wastewaters, through RO/NF membrane treatment (REPHAD), (UKF grant agreement No.05/07), Leader: prof. Ph.D. Marija Kaštelan Macan, 2007 - 2010. (team member, PI of membrane group)

3. Study of UF membrane fouling of cutting oil, Leader: prof. Ph.D. Marijana Simonič, University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Slovenia, (CEEPUS program, 2013)

Domestic scientific projects - team member

1. Dispersion systems and separation processes, Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia no. 2-15-02, 1992 - 1996

2. Development and Research of Complex Water Treatment Procedures, no. 0125017, 2002 - 2006, MSES, Croatia/ Team member

3. Organic and inorganic contaminants in drinking water, their interactions, and modern methods of their removal, no. 125 006, 1996 – 2001/ MSES, Croatia

4. Direct recovery of municipal wastewater for irrigation with membrane technologies (ReHOHMem), Project of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy of the Republic of Croatia, and the Croatian Science Foundation, PKP-2016-06-8522, 2017 - 2018. / Team member

5. Application of advanced water treatment technologies to remove microplastics, HRZZ project, AdWaTMiR, 2019-2023./ Team member

In 1999, he actively participated in the training of staff during the installation of the first reverse osmosis plant in the Republic of Croatia for the desalination of brackish water into drinking water (engaged by the company Universal Aqua Technologies, Inc. USA), Prgavo Polje, Project - Lastovo 2

Past employments

From 1990 to the present, employed at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb

1990 - 1992 - Technical associate

1992 - 2002 - Research fellow

2002 - 2007 Assistant Professor

2007 - 2011 Associate Professor

2011 - 2016 Full Professor

2016 - Full professor tenure