Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

Kristina Bule Možar, mag. ing. oecoing.

Title: Doctoral assistant

Public phone number:
01 4597 205
Internal phone number:
01 4597 205
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:


Kristina Bule Možar was born on September 20, 1995, in Zagreb. She attended Vukomerec elementary school and grammar school X. Ivan Supek in Zagreb. After graduating from high school, she enrolled in undergraduate study of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at the University of Zagreb in 2014. After completing her undergraduate studies,  she enrolled for postgraduate studies in Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of the same name in 2018. She graduated in 2020 and received the Rector's Award for her paper entitled Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics on environmental organisms. In the same year,  she was hired by the Faculty in the Department of Analytical Chemistry as an assistant to a PhD student for a Croatian Science Foundation project.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

1. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, M. Cvetnić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić, Potential of advanced oxidation as pretreatment for microplastics biodegradation, Separations10 (2023) 132. 


2. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, V. Mandić, A. Bafti, Š. Ukić, D. Kučić Grgić, T. Bolanča, Bacteria and yeasts isolated from the environment in biodegradation of PS and PVC microplastics: screening and treatment optimization, Environments, 10 (2023) 207. 


3. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, F. Radovanović-Perić, A. Bafti, M. Ujević Bošnjak, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić, Evaluation of Fenton, Photo-Fenton and Fenton-like Processes in Degradation of PE, PP, and PVC Microplastics, Water, 16 (2024) 673.


4. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, M. Ujević Bošnjak, M. Markić, T. Bolanča,  M. Cvetnić,  D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić, The Potential of AOP Pretreatment in the Biodegradation of PS and PVC Microplastics by Candida parapsilosis, Water16 (2024) 1389.


List of select projects

  • 2019-2023: Advanced Water Treatment Technologies for Microplastics Removal (CSF, project manager: Prof. Tomislav Bolanča).