Title: Senior assistant
Leonard Bauer was born in Zagreb, Croatia, in 1992. He finished his secondary education in Vrbovec in 2011, and then went on to study Chemical Engineering at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. Under the mentorship of Prof. Marko Rogošić, Ph. D., he defended his final (2014) and graduate thesis (2016). He obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Science in 2021 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, after defending a doctoral thesis entitled "Preparation of highly porous biodegradable and biocompatible material based on substituted hydroxyapatite", under the mentorship of Prof. Marica Ivanković, Ph. D.
His academic career started in 2017 with the program "Young Researchers' Carrer Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students“ financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. Scientific and professional activities in the scientific field of technical sciences, the scientific branch of chemical engineering in the development of materials are related to the preparation and chemical, structural and biological characterization of composite materials based on bioceramics and biodegradable polymers.