Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Martina Sudar

Title: Associate professor

Public phone number:
01 4597 101
Internal phone number:
Department of Reaction Engineering and Catalysis
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

Sudar, Martina; Česnik, Morana; Clapés, Pere; Pohl, Martina; Vasić-Rački, Đurđa; Findrik Blažević, Zvjezdana. A cascade reaction for the synthesis of d-fagomine precursor revisited: kinetic insight and understanding of the system. New Biotechnology. 63 (2021), 19-28.

Findrik Blažević, Zvjezdana; Milčić, Nevena; Sudar, Martina; Majerić Elenkov, Maja. Halohydrin dehalogenases and their potential in industrial application – a viewpoint of enzyme reaction engineering. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis. 363 (2021), 388-410.

Česnik, Morana; Sudar, Martina; Hernández, Karel; Charnock, Simon; Vasić-Rački, Đurđa; Clapés, Pere; Findrik Blažević, Zvjezdana. Cascade enzymatic synthesis of l-homoserine – mathematical modelling as a tool for process optimisation and design. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering. 5 (2020), 747-759.

List of select projects

Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, Innovative training networks, C-C Top ''C-C Bond formation using top performing enzymes – Training the next generation of innovators for a sustainable bioeconomy'', Grant agreement No 956631,  coordinator: prof. Wolf-Dieter Fessner (Darmstadt, Germany), PI: prof. Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević, 2021– 2025, https://cc-top-itn.eu/

Horizon 2020,  FNR-16-2020, RadicalZ: "Rapid discovery and development of enzymes for novel and greener consumer products", Grant agreement No 101000560, coordinator prof.  Aurelio Hidalgo (Madrid, Spain), PI prof.  Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević, 2021 – 2025, https://radicalz.eu/

Enzymatic Synthesis of Fluorinated Chiral Building Blocks, PI Maja Majerić Elenkov, PhD, scientific project, IP-2018-01, Croatian Science Foundation, 2018 – 2022

Horizon 2020 project CarbaZymes: "Sustainable industrial processes based on a C-C bond-forming enzyme platform", coordinator: prof. Wolf-Dieter Fessner (Darmstadt, Germany), PI prof. Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević, 2015– 2019, http://carbazymes.com/