Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

doc. dr. sc. Matija Cvetnić

Title: Assistant professor

Public phone number:
+385 1 4597 205
Internal phone number:
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:


Curriculum Vitae


  1.  Name and surname

Matija Cvetnić


  1. Education (insert starting and finishing date of each of the levels, chronologically starting from the most recent)
  1. Level, university/department, area, year, doctoral thesis title and year of completion
  • Doctoral degree, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Field of Chemistry, 2019, Modeling of photooxidative degradation of emerging contaminants in water, 2015/2019
  • Master’s degree, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Field of Chemical engineering, 2015, Soft sensor model development based on bootstrapping method, 2013/2015
  • Bachelor’s degree, University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Field of Chemical engineering, 2015, Sodium acetate trihydrate as a low-temperature phase-change material, 2010/2013


  1. Work experience (chronologically starting from the most recent)
  • Assistant professor, 2022 – today
  • Postdoctoral researcher, 2019 – 2022
  • Young researcher (PhD student), 2015 – 2019


  1. Professional, scientific, academic experience and accomplishments
  1. Ongoing and finished participation in projects

Scientific projects (project associate):

  1. CSF funded project: Modeling of Environmental Aspects of Advanced Water Treatment for Degradation of Priority Pollutants (MEAoWT, IP-2014-09-7992, September 1st 2015 – August 31st 2019, project leader: Prof. Tomislav Bolanča, PhD)
  2. CSF funded project: Advanced Water Treatment Technologies for Microplastics Removal (AdWaTMiR, IP-2019-04-9661, December 15th 2019 – December 14th 2023, project leader: Prof. Tomislav Bolanča, PhD)
  3. Funded by European Structural and Investment Funds (Croatia): Water Purification and Energy Conversion using Novel Composite Materials and Solar Irradiation (KK., 2019 – 2023, project leader: Prof. Hrvoje Kušić, PhD)
  4. Interreg project: Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building (Danube Hazard m3c, July 1st 2020 – March 31st 2023, project leader: Prof. Matthias Zessner, PhD, Croatian PI: prof. Tomislav Bolanča, PhD).

Proffesional projects (project associate):

  1. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Vukšić, M. Cvetnić, Pilot level examination of the process and the development of a technological project for the preparation of drinking water at the drinking water plant Garešnica, 2016 (expert study)
  2. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, M. Vukšić, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Petrović, Chemical, biochemical and hydraulic load of waste water in the city of Slunj, 2017 (expert study).
  3. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, Feasibility Study of Wastewater Reuse in the EL-TO Zagreb Plant, 2017 (expert study)
  4. L. Sipos, T. Bolanca, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, M. Vukšić, V. Prevarić, D. Furač, A. Tolić, S. Sklepić Vukadinović, Pilot plant research with the aim of improving the water treatment process at water treatment plant Vodoopskrba Kupa d.o.o., 2018 (expert study).
  5. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, M. Birčić, Report on experimental study and technological supervision of the water treatment plant of the water treatment plant Dalj after reconstruction, 2018 (report).
  6. M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, Determination of ion exchange capacity of zeolite clinoptilolite, 2018 (report).
  7. M. Markić, L. Sipos, T. Bolanča, M. Cvetnić, Opinion on the differences in waste water treatment technologies, 2018. (expertise).
  8. M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, Release of heavy metals from zeolite clinoptilolite in dilute hydrochloric acid and ultrapure water, 2018 (report).
  9. M. Cvetnić, F. Faraguna, T. Bolanča, A. Jukić, Pantaprazole Sodium – literature reviews and development of analysis methods, 2019. (expertise).
  10. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Determination of temperature-dependent kinetic parameters of removal of iron, manganese, and ammonia from groundwater, 2019. (expert study).
  11. M. Markić, L. Sipos, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, Renovation of the Gunja water treatment plant, 2019.
  12. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Improving the efficiency of water conditioning at the Gaj water treatment plant - application of oxygen-enriched air in water treatment., 2019. (expertise)
  13. M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, Filter plant for iron removal., 2019. (report).
  14. T. Ignjatić Zokić, B. Miletić, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, Experimental study of a pilot plant for water treatment from the Jadro river based on sand filtration, 2019. (Expert study).
  15. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, M. Vidaković, Physical-chemical and microbiological analysis of water., 2019. (report)
  16. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Preliminary technological project for the preparation of drinking water at the Ivanovci water treatment plant, 2019. (Expert study).
  17. L. Sipos, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, V. Prevarić, T. Bolanča, Reconstruction of the water treatment plant of the Đurići-Račinovci, 2020 (report).
  18. M. Markić, L. Sipos, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, T. Bolanča, Experimental test of the effect of the water disinfection system in Garešnica, Croatia (VODA GAREŠNICA d.o.o.), 2018 (report)
  19. M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, T. Bolanča, Flammable gas mixer (Fiditas d.o.o.), 2021 (Device)
  20. M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, T. Bolanča, Chemical reactor for the production of soap adapted to the blind and partially sighted people (Sfera Visia j.d.o.o.), 2022 (Device)
  21. M. Markić, L. Sipos, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, T. Bolanča, Testing and optimization of the water treatment process at the "Jelas" water pumping station in Slavonski Brod, phase 1, 2022 (report)
  22. M. Markić, L. Sipos, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, T. Bolanča, Investigation of the occurrence of manganese in the water pumping station Sikirevci zapad with a proposed solution, 2022 (report)
  23. T. Bolanča, A. Jukić, F. Faraguna, M. Cvetnić, Analysis of the composition of pyrolitical byproducts (DOK-ING ENERGO d.o.o.), 2022 (report)
  24. M. Cvetnić, G. Filipović, K. Bule, V. Martinjak, L. Furač, M. Markić, D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, Methyl ricinoleate analytical method development and method validation (JGL d.d.), 2022 (report)
  25. M. Markić, L. Sipos, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, T. Bolanča, Experimentally determination of methods for removing iron from the raw underground water of the water treatment plant Jasenovac, 2023 (report)
  26. M. Markić, T. Bolanča, I. Dejanović, G. Lukač, M. Cvetnić, Development, manufacture, and operation demonstration of a pilot-scale Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) system for the separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from a mixture of combustion gases (flue gas) (Carbon Value Co. Ltd.), 2023. (Device)


  1. Previous experience in innovation development


  1. Silver medal award at 3rd Istanbul International Inventions Fair, ISIF'18.
  2. Silver medal award at 10th International Exibition of Inventions & 3rd World Invention and Inovation Forum (Foshan).
  3. Gold medal award at 44. Croatian Invention Fair – INOVA 2019. i 15. Exhibitions Of Innovations, Prototypes and Student Business Plans – BUDI UZOR 2019.



  1. Scientific/professional awards (if applicable)
  1. Annual Award of The Association of University Teachers and other Scientists in Zagreb in 2019.
  2. Annual Award of Croatian Waters for the Best Doctoral Dissertation in 2019.


  1. Memberships in scientific and professional associations and/or organisations
  1. Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists (2015 – present)
  2. Member of the editorial board of the scientific and professional journal Chemistry in Industry (2022 – present)


  1. International conferences lectures and /or lectures at internationally acclaimed scientific organisations (if applicable)

Invited lectures:

  1. T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, M. Novak, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, M. Rogošić, Chromatography as a Basis for the Spin Off Company Dealing with Advanced Water Treatment Technologies, 23rd International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 19.-22.09.2017.
  2. Š. Ukić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Cvetnić, V. Stankov, M. Rogošić, T. Bolanča, Benefits of Mathematical Modeling in Solving Real Chromatographic Problems, 24th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Jasna, Slovakia, 17.-20.06.2018.
  3. Š. Ukić, M. Sigurnjak, V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Miloloža, M. Markić, D. Kučić Grgić, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, M. Rogošić, T. Bolanča, Emerging contaminants and their influence on the environment, 18th Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 16.-18.09.2020.
  4. M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, Photooxidative degradation of priority pollutants: modeling approach, 1st International conference Food & Climate Change, Koprivnica, Croatia, 15.-16.10.2021.

Other public lectures:

  1. M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, M. Rogošić, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, Photooxidative degradation of pharmaceuticals in water, 4th International Symposium of Environmental Management - Towards Circular Economy, Zagreb, Croatia, 07.-09.12.2016.
  2. M. Cvetnić, M.-L. Jeličić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, Removal of emerging contaminants in water; QSPR study, 4th International Symposium of Environmental Management - Towards Circular Economy, Zagreb, Croatia, 07.-09.12.2016.
  3. Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, M. Novak Stankov, V. Stankov, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, Critical comparison of IC modeling/optimization approaches, 23rd International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 19.-22.09.2017.
  4. M. Novak Stankov, V. Stankov, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Modelling Assisted Method Development of HPLC Analysis of Emerging Contaminants, 24th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Jasna, Slovakia, 17.-20.06.2018.
  5. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Miloloža, A. Kovačević, E. Lovrinčić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, V. Prevarić, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, Biodegradation of LDPE- and PS- microplastics by mixed bacterial culture of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas alcaligenes, 18. Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 16-18.09.2020.
  6. M. Markić, D. Matijašec, M. Sigurnjak, V. Prevarić, M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, D. Kučić Grgić, Pyrolysis of plastic wastes, 18. Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 16-18.09.2020.
  7. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, V. Ocelić Bulatović, J. Dragojević, T. Smital, D. Kučić Grgić, Determination of microplastics toxicity on Chlorella sp., Pseudomonas putida and Danio rerio, 18. Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 16-18.09.2020.
  8. V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, D. Matijašec, M. Sigurnjak, M. Miloloža, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, D. Kučić Grgić, Degradation of phtalates by advanced oxidation process, 18. Ružička days, Vukovar, Croatia, 16-18.09.2020.
  9. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, V. Prevarić, L. Ružaj, P. Patrčević, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Biodegradation of PS and PVC microplastics by Bacillus subtilis, 1st International Conference Food & Climate Change, Koprivnica, Croatia, 15.-16.10.2021.
  10. D. Delić, V. Prevarić, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, K. Bule, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, T. Bolanča, Remediation of phthalate-contaminated waters, 1st International Conference Food & Climate Change, Koprivnica, Croatia, 15.- 16.10.2021.
  11. K. Bule, V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, Degradation of polyolefins by Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes, 1st International Conference Food & Climate Change, Koprivnica, 15.-16.10.2021.
  12. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Miloloža, M, Cvetnić, Š, Ukić, K. Bule, V. Prevarić, M. Markić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, T. Bolanča, M. Slouf, V. Gajdosova, Isolation, Identification and Screening of Polymer-Degrading Bacteria and Fungi, 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia, 24.-27.05.2022.
  13. M. Miloloža, L. Ružaj, K. Bule, V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, V. Ocelić Bulatović, D. Kučić Grgić, Investigation of Biodegradation of Microplastic Particles by Bacterial Cultures Isolated from Environment Samples, 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia, 24.-27.05.2022.


  1. Specialisation and study visits at international institutions (if applicable)


Specialization and study visits

  1. July 2017. Department for Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State University, ND, USA
  2. July 2018. Department for Coatings and Polymeric Materials, North Dakota State University, ND, USA


  1. Involvement in congress, events and workshops organization (if applicable)


Participates in professional activities within the framework of FKIT-HDKI lifelong education workshops:

  1. Current drinking water issues- disinfection and undesirable byproducts, Zagreb, 02.07.2021.

Member of the scientific committee of the scientific conference:

  1. Member of the scientific committee of XIII. Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera (Zagreb, Croatia, 20. i 21.2.2020.)

Member of the board of the scientific-professional conference

  1. 16th International Chromatography School, Zagreb, Croatia, 09-10.06.2016.
  2. 17th International Chromatography School, Zagreb, Croatia, 06-07.07.2017.
  3. 18th International Chromatography School, Zagreb, Croatia, 14-15.06.2018.


  1. Peer review publications (last 5 years) and the most successful career publication


  1. M. Cvetnić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Kovačić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, H. Kušić, B. Rasulev, D.D. Dionysiou, A. Lončarić Božić, Key structural features promoting radical driven degradation of emerging contaminants in water, Environment International 124 (2019) 38-48. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.12.043) IF=7,577 (2019) Q1
  2. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Vuković Domanovac, T. Domanovac, M. Šabić, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, Influence of Bacilllus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW and Clinoptilolite addition on the biowaste composting process, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 1 (2019) 1-11. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-018-03692-8) IF=1,711 (2019) Q3
  3. Š. Ukić, M. Sigurnjak, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Rogošić, B. Rasulev, A. Lončarić Božić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Toxicity of pharmaceuticals in binary mixtures: assessment by additive and non-additive toxicity models, Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 185 (2019) 109696. (doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109696) IF=4,872 (2019) Q1
  4. D. Kučić Grgić, F. Briški, V. Ocelić Bulatović, M. Vuković Domanovac, T. Domanovac, M. Šabić Runjavec, M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, Kompostiranje agroindustrijskog otpada, biootpada i biorazgradivog komunalnog otpada u adijabatskom reaktoru, Kemija u industriji: časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske 68 (2019)  381-388. (doi:10.15255/KUI.2019.029) IF se ne izračunava za ESCI
  5. D. Kučić Grgić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, M. Cvetnić, Ž. Dujmić Vučinić, M- Vuković Domanovac, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, Biodegradation kinetics of diuron by Pseudomonas aeruginosa FN and optimization of biodegradation using response surface methodology, Water and environment journal 34 (2020), 61-73. (doi:10.1111/wej.12505) IF=2,070 (2020) Q3
  6. A. Ressler, A. Gudelj, K. Zadro, M. Antunović, M. Cvetnić, M. Ivanković, H. Ivanković, From bio-waste to bone substitute: synthesis of biomimetic hydroxyapatite and its use in chitosan-based composite scaffold preparation, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 34 (2020) 59-71. (doi:10.15255/CABEQ.2020.1783) IF=1,582 (2020) Q3
  7. H. Nikl, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, M. Rogošić, Interlaboratory comparative measurements of gas velocity and concentration of solid particles in the waste gas, Fresenius environmental bulletin 29 (2020) 289-298. IF=0,489 (2020) Q4
  8. D. Kučić Grgić, L. Bera, M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, T. Ignjatić Zokić, B. Miletić, T. Leko, V. Ocelić Bulatović, Obrada aktivnog mulja s uređaja za pročišćavanje komunalnih otpadnih voda procesom kompostiranja, Hrvatske Vode, 28 (2020), 1-8. IF=0,353 (2020) Q4
  9. A.Petračić, A. Sander, M. Cvetnić, A novel approach for the removal of trace elements from waste fats and oils, Separation science and technology 55 (2020) 3487-3501. (doi:10.1080/01496395.2019.1706575) IF=2,475 (2020) Q3
  10. A. Ressler, M. Cvetnić, M. Antunović, I. Marijanović, M. Ivanković, H. Ivanković, Strontium substituted biomimetic calcium phosphate system derived from cuttlefish bone, Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 108 (2020) 1697-1709. (doi:10.1002/jbm.b.34515) IF=3,368 (2020) Q2
  11. M. Cvetnić , A. Tomić, M. Sigurnjak, M. Novak Stankov, Š. Ukić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, A. Lončarić Božić, Structural features of contaminants of emerging concern behind empirical parameters of mechanistic models describing their photooxidative degradation, Journal of water process engineering, 33 (2020) 101053. (doi:10.1016/j.jwpe.2019.101053) IF=5,485 (2020) Q1
  12. M. Sigurnjak, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, M. Novak Stankov, B. Rasulev, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, M. Rogošić, T. Bolanča, Combined toxicities of binary mixtures of alachlor, chlorfenvinphos, diuron and isoproturone, Chemosphere 240 (2020) 124973. (doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124973) IF=7,086 (2020) Q1
  13. V. Stankov, M. Novak Stankov, M. Cvetnić , M. Sigurnjak Bureš, Š. Ukić, D. Kučić Grgić, A. Lončarić Božić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Environmental aspects of UV-C-based processes for the treatment of oxytetracycline in water, Environmental pollution, 277 (2021) 116797. (doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116797) IF=8,071 (2020) Q1
  14. V. Prevarić, M. Sigurnjak Bureš, M. Cvetnić, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, K. Bule, M. Milković, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, The problem of phthalate occurrence in aquatic environment: A review, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 35 (2021) 81-104. (doi:10.15255/CABEQ.2021.1928) IF=1,582 (2020) Q3
  15. A. Ressler, M. Antunović, M. Cvetnić, M. Ivanković, H. Ivanković, Selenite substituted calcium phosphates: preparation, characterization, and cytotoxic activity, Materials 14 (2021) 3436. (doi:10.3390/ma14123436) IF=3,623 (2020) Q2
  16. M.-L. Jeličić, E. Brusač, S. Kurajica, M. Cvetnić, D. Amidžić Klarić, B. Nigović, A. Mornar, Drug-drug compatibility evaluation of sulfasalazine and folic acid for fixed-dose combination development using various analytical tools, Pharmaceutics 13 (2021) 400. (doi:.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13030400) IF=6,321 (2020) Q1
  17. E. Brusač, M.-L. Jeličić, M. Cvetnić, D. Amidžić Klarić, B. Nigović, A. Mornar, A comprehensive approach to compatibility testing using chromatographic, thermal and spectroscopic techniques: evaluation of potential for a monolayer fixed-dose combination of 6-mercaptopurine and folic acid, Pharmaceuticals 14 (2021) 274. (doi:10.3390/ph14030274) IF=5,863 (2020) Q1
  18. M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, D. Dionysiou, H. Kušić, Ecotoxicological assessment of microplastics in freshwater sources—a review, Water 13 (2021) 56. (doi:10.3390/w13010056) IF=3,103 (2020) Q2
  19. M. Sigurnjak Bureš, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, V. Prevarić, M. Markić, M. Rogošić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Toxicity of binary mixtures of pesticides and pharmaceuticals toward Vibrio fischeri: Assessment by quantitative structure-activity relationships, Environmental pollution 275 (2021) 115885. (doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115885) IF=8,071 (2020) Q1
  20. M. Sigurnjak Bureš, M. Cvetnić, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, M. Rogošić, Š. Ukić, Modeling the toxicity of pollutants mixtures for risk assessment: a review, Environmental chemistry letters 19 (2021) 1629-1655. (doi:10.1007/s10311-020-01107-5) IF=9,027 (2020) Q1
  21. I. Radić, M. Runje, M. Cvetnić , M. Halužan, M.-L. Jeličić, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, V. Prevarić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, Validation of the ICP-MS method fordetermination of trace elements provided by ICH Q3D guideline in fosamprenavir calcium, Kemija u industriji: časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske 70 (2021) 701-709. (doi:10.15255/KUI.2021.004) IF se ne izračunava za ESCI
  22. M.-L. Jeličić, E. Brusač, S. Kurajica, M. Cvetnić, D. Amidžić Klarić, B. Nigović, A. Mornar, Thermoanalytical, spectroscopic and chromatographic approach to physicochemical compatibility investigation of 5-aminosalicylates and folic acid, Croatica chemica acta 94 (2021) 25-33. (doi:10.5562/cca3799) IF=0,887 (2020) Q4
  23. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, H. Kušić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, D. Kučić Grgić, Ecotoxicological determination of microplastic toxicity on algae Chlorella sp.: response surface modeling approach, Water, air and soil pollution 232 (2021.) 327. (doi:10.1007/s11270-021-05267-0) IF=2,520 (2020) Q3
  24. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Miloloža, E. Lovrinčić, A. Kovačević, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, V. Prevarić, K. Bule, Š. Ukić, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, Bioremediation of MP-polluted waters using bacteria Bacillus licheniformis, Lysinibacillus massiliensis, and mixed culture of Bacillus sp. and Delftia acidovorans, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 35 (2021.) 205-224. (doi:10.15255/CABEQ.2021.1915) IF=1,582 (2020) Q3
  25. M.-L. Jeličić, J. Kovačić, M. Cvetnić , A. Mornar, D. Amidžić Klarić, Antioxidant activity of pharmaceuticals: Predictive QSAR modeling for potential therapeutic strategy, Pharmaceuticals 15 (2022) 791. (doi:10.3390/ph15070791) IF=5,863 (2020) Q1
  26. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Assessment of the influence of size and concentration on the ecotoxicity of microplastics to microalgae Scenedesmus sp., bacterium Pseudomonas putida and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Polymers 14 (2022) 1246. (doi:10.3390/polym14061246) IF=4,329 (2020) Q1
  27. M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, D. Dionysiou, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Biotreatment strategies for the removal of microplastics from freshwater systems. A review, Environmental chemistry letters 20 (2022) 1377-1402. (doi:10.1007/s10311-021-01370-0) IF=9,027 (2020) Q1
  28. A. Zhang, Z. Zhu, M. Špoljar, N. Kuczyńska-Kippen, T. Dražina, M. Cvetnić, M. Mleczek, Ecosystem models indicate zooplankton biomass response to nutrient inputand climate warming is related to lake size, Ecological modelling 464 (2022.) 109837. (doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109837) IF=2,974 (2020) Q2
  29. A. Samzadeh, M. Dehghani, M. Ali Baghapour, A. Azdarpoor, Z. Derakhshan, M. Cvetnić , T. Bolanča, S. Giannakis, Y. Cao, Comparative photo-oxidative degradation of etodolac, febuxostat and imatinib mesylate by UV-C/H2O2 and UV-C/S2O82− processes: Modeling, treatment optimization and biodegradability enhancement, Environmental research 212 (2022), 113385. (doi:10.1016/j.envres.2022.113385) IF=6,498 (2020) Q1
  30. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Miloloža, E. Lovrinčić, A. Kovačević, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, V. Prevarić, K. Bule, Š. Ukić, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, Bioremediation of MP-polluted waters using bacteriaBacillus licheniformis, Lysinibacillus massiliensis,and mixed culture of Bacillus sp. and Delftia acidovorans, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 35 (2021.) 205-224. (doi:10.15255/CABEQ.2021.1915) IF=1,582 (2020) Q3
  31. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Assessment of the influence of size and concentration on theecotoxicity of microplastics to microalgae Scenedesmus sp., bacterium Pseudomonas putida and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Polymers 14 (2022.) 1246. (doi:10.3390/polym14061246) IF=4,329 (2020) Q1
  32. M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, D. Dionysiou, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Biotreatment strategies for the removal of microplastics from freshwater systems. A review, Environmental chemistry letters 20 (2022.) 1377-1402. (doi:10.1007/s10311-021-01370-0) IF=9,027 (2020) Q1
  33. Bule Možar, K., Miloloža, M., Martinjak, V., Cvetnić, M., Kušić, H., Bolanča, T., Kučić Grgić, D., Ukić, Š., Potential of advanced oxidation as pretreatment for microplastics biodegradation, Separations 10 (2023), 132, 26 (doi:10.3390/separations10020132)
  34. Ressler, A., Ivanković, T., Ivanišević, I., Cvetnić, M., Antunović, M., Urlić, I., Ivanković, H., Ivanković, M., Multiphase zinc and magnesium mono-substituted calcium phosphates derived from cuttlefish bone: A multifunctional biomaterials, Ceramics International, 49 (2023), 11005-11017 (doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.11.295)
  35. Papac, J., Garcia Ballesteros, S., Tonković, S., Kovačić, M., Tomić, A., Cvetnić, M., Kušić, H., Senta, I., Terzić, S., Ahel, M., Degradation of pharmaceutical memantine by photo-based advancedoxidation processes: Kinetics, pathways and environmental aspects, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2023), 109334, 13 (doi:10.1016/j.jece.2023.109334)
  36. Posavčić, H., Halkijević, I., Vouk, D., Cvetnić, M., Circulating flow hybrid ultrasonic and electrochemical process for the treatment of mineral oil wastewaters, Journal of water process engineering, 49 (2022), 103024, 12 (doi:10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103024)
  37. Tomić, A., Cvetnić, M., Kovačić, M., Kušić, H., Karamanis, P., Lončarić Božić, A., Structural features promoting adsorption of contaminants of emerging concern onto TiO2 P25: experimental and computational approaches.  // Environmental science and pollution research, 29 (2022), 58;  87628-87644 (doi:10.1007/s11356-022-21891-7)



  1. Other research achievements
  1. Participates in professional development at the KONČAR-GIM D.D. project. "Development of a submerged unit for small hydropower plants with a low water drop" which was financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds from May 1st , 2022 to July 31st , 2022.



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Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database