With the European economy reliant on the creation and application of knowledge, strong links between the business sector and higher education are essential. Enterprises have become increasingly involved in European education and training programmes, with positive results for both sides, leading to long-lasting partnerships.
The relevant Erasmus+ activities for cooperation with business are traineeships for students; wtaff mobility for teaching, staff mobility for training, co-operation, strategic partnerships capacity building projects, knowledge alliances.
Knowledge alliances
The contribution of higher education to jobs and growth, and its international attractiveness, can be enhanced through links between education, research and business. These constitute the three sides of the knowledge triangle, stimulating the development of entrepreneurial, creative and innovative skills in all disciplines, and promoting innovation in higher education through more interactive learning environments and increased knowledge-exchange.
The purpose of Knowledge Alliances is to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by fostering innovation in higher education via balanced, two-way knowledge exchange with enterprises and across the broader socio-economic environment. They implement a coherent and comprehensive set of interconnected activities through transnational structured partnerships, involving a minimum of six organisations from at least three Programme Countries, of which there must be a minimum of two higher education institutions and a minimum of two enterprises.
Participating organisations can be any public or private organisation, established in a Programme Country. Organisations from Partner Countries can take part in the project as partners (though not as the coordinating applicant), so long as their involvement brings a clear added value to the project. Higher education institutions established in a Programme Country must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
Projects should last for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 years.
Applicants should apply by responding to the yearly call for proposals. Applications should be submitted to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).