Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About employee

Silvia Morović, mag. ing. oecoing.

Title: Teaching assistant

Public phone number:
01 4597 233
Internal phone number:
Department of Physical Chemistry
Graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

Morović, Silvia; Drmić, Katarina Marija; Babić, Sandra; Košutić, Krešimir Maximizing N-Nitrosamine Rejection via RO Membrane Plugging with Hexylamine and Hexamethylenediamine, Nanomaterials, 14 (2024), 13; 1117-1142. 

Tsiarta, Nikoletta; Morović, Silvia; Mandić, Vilko; Panžić, Ivana; Blažic, Roko; Ćurković, Lidija; Gernjak, Wolfgang Catalytic Ozonation of Pharmaceuticals Using CeO2-CeTiOx-Doped Crossflow Ultrafiltration Ceramic Membranes, Nanomaterials, 14 (2024), 13; 1163-1163. 

K. Perović, S. Morović, A. Jukić, K. Košutić, Alternative to conventional solutions in the development of membranes and hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts for application in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis: A review, Materials, 16 (2023) 6319.

S. Morović, A. Vezjak Fluksi, S. Babić, K. Košutić, Impact of polymer chain rearrangements in the pa structure of RO membranes on water permeability and N-nitrosamine rejection, Molecules, 28 (2023) 6124.

S. Morović, K. Košutić, I. Komparić, The impact of solvent activation of RO membranes on their performances // Conference proceedings // Matrib, Vela Luka, Hrvatska, 30.06. - 02.07.2022.

J. Papac Zjačić, S. Morović, K. Košutić, D. Ašperger, Combined application of membrane and advanced oxidation processes for removal of pharmaceuticals from water, Kem. Ind. 71 (2022) 719-727.      

S. Morović, K. Košutić, B. Babić, D. Ašperger, Sudbina N-nitrozamina u okolišu i primjenljivi postupci njihovog uklanjanja iz voda, Hrvat. Vode, 29 (2021) 175-186.

G. Biloš, S. Morović, M.L. Jeličić, L. Furač, M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, Photooxidative degradation of pesticides in water: mechanistic modelling approach // Conference proceedings// 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Poreč, Hrvatska, 19. - 22. 04. 2017.

Professional memberships

Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE)
International Ozone Association (IOA)