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prof. dr. sc. Šime Ukić

Title: Full professor

Public phone number:
01 4597 217
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Department of Analytical Chemistry
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:


Šime Ukić was born in Šibenik on March 27, 1979. After graduating from high school in Šibenik, he went to Zagreb to study at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at the University of Zagreb (FCET). In May 2004, he defended his master thesis under the supervision of Prof. Marko Rogošić. In September of the same year, he was employed as a scientific novice in the Department of Analytical Chemistry at FCET and enrolled in the postgraduate doctoral programme in Engineering Chemistry. In September 2009, he defended his dissertation entitled Mathematical Model for Simulation of the Response of Ion Chromatographic Analysis under the supervision of Prof. Štefica Cerjan-Stefanović.

Šime Ukić was appointed as a Research Associate in 2010, Senior Research Associate in 2016 and Scientific Advisor in 2021. Scientifically, he deals with problems from the fields of analytical chemistry, chemometrics, water chemistry and new pollutants in the environment. In his scientific career so far, he has published 87 scientific papers, 62 of them in journals represented in WoSCC and Scopus databases, 3 in journals cited in other databases, and 22 in conference proceedings. He was a guest speaker at two international scientific meetings.

Šime Ukić was appointed Assistant Professor in 2012, Associate Professor in 2017 and Full Professor in 2022. He teaches in the bachelor, master, and doctoral programmes of the FCET and in the interdisciplinary postgraduate programme Ecoengineering. As a supervisor, he has been involved in the writing of 1 student work for which his students were awarded the Rector's Award, as well as 27 bachelor theses, 28 master theses, and 4 doctoral theses. He was co-author of two university textbooks: Ionska kromatografija (Ion Chromatography) and Analitika okoliša (Environmental Analytics ), and published a chapter in the textbook Environmental Engineering: Basic Principles.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

  1. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan-Stefanović, M. Luša, Š. Ukić, S. Leaković, Determination of Inorganic Ions in Fertilizer Industry Wastewater by Ion Chromatography, Chromatographia, 63 (2006) 395-400. https://doi.org/10.1365/s10337-006-0756-3, IF=1.171, Q2
  2. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan-Stefanović, M. Luša, M. Rogošić, Š. Ukić, Development of an ion chromatographic gradient retention model from isocratic elution experiments, Journal of Chromatography A 1121 (2006) 228-235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2006.04.036, IF=3.554, Q1
  3. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan Stefanović, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, M. Luša, Application of different training methodologies for the development of a back propagation artificial neural network retention model in ion chromatography, Journal of Chemometrics 22 (2008) 106-113. https://doi.org/10.1002/cem.1096, IF=1.415, Q2
  4. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan-Stefanović, M. Luša, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, Evaluation of separation in gradient elution ion chromatography by combining several retention models and objective functions, Journal of Separation Science 31 (2008) 705-713. https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.200700470, IF=2.746, Q1
  5. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan-Stefanović, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, M. Luša, Application of a Gradient Retention Model Developed by Using Isocratic Data for the Prediction of Retention, Resolution, and Peak Asymmetry in Ion Chromatography, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 32 (2009) 1373-1391. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826070902900228, IF=0.998, Q2
  6. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan Stefanović, Š. Ukić, M. Luša, M. Rogošić, From Isocratic Data to a Gradient Elution Retention Model in IC: An Artificial Neural Network Approach, Chromatographia 70 (2009) 15-20. https://doi.org/10.1365/s10337-009-1126-8, IF=1.098, Q2
  7. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan Stefanović, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, Development of Temperature Dependent Retention Models in Ion Chromatography by the Cascade Forward and Back Propagation Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 32 (2009) 2765-2778. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826070903287815, IF=0.998, Q2
  8. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan Stefanović, Š. Ukić, M. Luša, M. Rogošić, Prediction of the chromatographic signal in gradient elution ion chromatography, Journal of Separation Science 32 (2009) 2877-2884. https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.200900231, IF=2.551, Q1
  9. T. Bolanča, Š. Cerjan Stefanović, M. Luša, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, Application of different artificial neural networks retention models for multi-criteria decision-making optimization in gradient ion chromatography, Separation Science and Technology 45 (2010) 236-243. https://doi.org/10.1080/01496390903417958, IF=1.015, Q2
  10. T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, Prediction of nonlinear gradient signal in ion chromatography based on “experiment-free” methodology, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 33 (2010) 1831-1841. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826076.2010.532707, IF=0.953, Q2
  11. Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, M. Rogošić, Novel criteria for fast searching for optimal method in gradient ion chromatography: an integrated approach, Journal of Separation Science 34 (2011) 780-788. https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.201000796, IF=2.733, Q1
  12. T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, A. Marinović Ruždjak, Development of an ion chromatographic method for determination of inorganic anions in surface water by using computer assisted gradient optimization methodology, Acta Chimica Slovenica 58 (2011) 120-126. IF=1.328, Q2
  13. H. Kušić, I. Peternel, Š. Ukić, N. Koprivanac, T. Bolanča, S. Papić, A. Lončarić Božić, Modeling of iron activated persulfate oxidation treating reactive azo dye in water matrix, Chemical engineering journal 172 (2011) 109-121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2011.05.076, IF=3.461, Q1
  14. T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, A. Marinović Ruždjak, Computer-assisted development of ad-hoc methodology for monitoring of inorganic cations in surface water using gradient elution ion chromatography, Croatica Chemica Acta 84 (4) (2011) 487-492. http://doi.org/10.5562/cca1736, IF=0.763, Q3
  15. S. Marinović, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, V. Rukavina, A. Jukić, Prediction of diesel fuel cold properties using artificial neural networks, Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils 48 (2012) 67-74. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10553-012-0339-y, IF=0.116, Q3
  16. T. Bolanča, J. Šipušić, Š. Ukić, M. Šiljeg, M. Ujević Bošnjak, Optimization of arsenic sludge immobilization process in cement – natural zeolite – lime blends using artificial neural networks and multi objective criteria functions, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21 (2012) 76-83. IF=0.641, Q3
  17. Š. Cerjan Stefanović, T. Bolanča, M. Luša, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, Multi-criteria decision making development of ion chromatographic method for determination of inorganic anions in oilfield waters based on artificial neural networks retention model, Analytica Chimica Acta 716 (2012) 145-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2011.12.020, IF=4.387, Q1
  18. T. Bolanča, S. Marinović, Š. Ukić, A. Jukić, V. Rukavina, Development of artificial neural network model for diesel fuel properties prediction using vibrational spectroscopy, Acta Chimica Slovenica 59 (2012) 249-257. IF=1.135, Q3
  19. A. Švarc, Š. Ukić, S. Radojević Lacković, B. Đuričić, M. Novak, T. Bolanča, Influence of Ultrasonic and Microwave Irradiation on Cation Exchange Properties of Clay Material, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 27 (2013) 29-35. IF=0.911, Q2
  20. Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, M. Novak, E. Šimović, V. Tišler, T. Bolanča, Optimization of IC Separation Based on Isocratic-to-Gradient Retention Modeling in Combination with Sequential Searching or Evolutionary Algorithm, Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2013 (2013) 549729. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/549729, IF=0.948, Q3
  21. Š. Ukić, P. Dimić, M. Šiljeg, M. Ujević Bošnjak, J. Šipušić, T. Bolanča, Manganese waste mud immobilization in cement – natural zeolite – lime blend: Process optimization using artificial neural networks and multi-criteria functions, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 44 (2013) 273-281. https://doi.org/10.1002/mawe.201300050, IF=0.433, Q3
  22. T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, I. Peternel, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, Artificial neural network models for advanced oxidation of organics in water matrix - Comparison of applied methodologies, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 21 (2014) 21-29. IF=0.513, Q2
  23. Š. Ukić, V. Mandić, Z. Buić, T. Bolanča, B. Zelić, S. Kurajica, M. Novak, Sorption Kinetics and Structural Investigations of Acid and Alkali Pretreated Bentonite Used for Ammonium and Phosphate Removal from Petrochemical Wastewater, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23 (2014) 1260-1270. IF=0.378, Q3
  24. Š. Ukić, M. Novak, P. Žuvela, N. Avdalović, Y. Liu, B. Buszewski, T. Bolanča, Development of Gradient Retention Model in Ion Chromatography. Part I: Conventional QSRR Approach, Chromatographia 77 (2014) 985-996. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10337-014-2653-5, IF=1.411, Q2
  25. Š. Ukić, M. Novak, A. Vlahović, N. Avdalović, Y. Liu, B. Buszewski, T. Bolanča, Development of Gradient Retention Model in Ion Chromatography. Part II: Artificial Intelligence QSRR Approach, Chromatographia 77 (2014) 997-1007. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10337-014-2654-4, IF=1.411, Q2
  26. T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, M. Novak, M. Rogošić, Computer assisted method development in liquid chromatography, Croatica Chemica Acta 87 (2014) 111-122. https://doi.org/10.5562/cca2241, IF=0.728, Q3
  27. Š. Ukić, M. Novak, A. Krilić, N. Avdalović, Y. Liu, B. Buszewski, T. Bolanča, Development of Gradient Retention Model in Ion Chromatography. Part III: Fuzzy Logic QSRR Approach, Chromatographia 78 (2015) 889-898. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10337-015-2845-7, IF=1.332, Q2
  28. M. Smidt, H. Kusic, D. Juretic, M. Novak Stankov, S. Ukic, T. Bolanca, M. Rogosic, A. Loncaric Bozic, Modeling Photo-oxidative Degradation of Aromatics in Water. Optimization Study Using Response Surface and Structural Relationship Approaches, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (2015) 5427-5441. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.5b00588, IF=2.567, Q1
  29. M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, A. Lončarić Božić, Photooxidative Degradation of Pesticides in Water; Response Surface Modeling Approach, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 20 (2017) 20160172, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.1515/jaots-2016-0172, IF=0.901, Q4
  30. T. Bolanča, T. Strahovnik, Š. Ukić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Rogošić, Modeling of policies for reduction of GHG emissions in energy sector using ANN: case study - Croatia (EU), Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 (2017) 16172-16185. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-9216-x, IF= 2.800, Q2
  31. M. Markić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, A. Lončarić Božić, Influence of process parameters on the effectiveness of photooxidative treatment of pharmaceuticals, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 53 (2018) 338-351. https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2017.1401394, IF= 1.536, Q2
  32. V. Stankov, M. Cvetnić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Rogošić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, Retention Modeling of Gradient Elutions: Application of Iso-to-Grad Approach for LC Systems with Dual-Species Eluent, Chromatographia 82 (2019) 749-755. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10337-018-3648-4, IF= 1.596, Q3
  33. M. Cvetnić, D. Juretić Perišić, M. Kovačić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, B. Rasulev, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, Toxicity of aromatic pollutants and photooxidative intermediates in water: A QSAR study, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 169 (2019) 918-927. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.10.100, IF=4.872, Q1
  34. M. Cvetnić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Kovačić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, H. Kušić, B. Rasulev, D. Dionysiou, A. Lončarić Božić, Key structural features promoting radical driven degradation of emerging contaminants in water, Environment International, 124 (2019) 38-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2018.12.043, IF= 7.577, Q1
  35. Š. Ukić, M. Sigurnjak, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, M. Novak Stankov, M. Rogošić, B. Rasulev, A. Lončarić Božić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Toxicity of pharmaceuticals in binary mixtures: assessment by additive and non-additive toxicity models, Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 185 (2019) 109696. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019, IF=4.872, Q1
  36. M. Sigurnjak, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, M. Markić, M. Novak Stankov, B. Rasulev, H. Kušić, A. Lončarić Božić, M. Rogošić, T. Bolanča, Combined toxicities of binary mixtures of alachlor, chlorfenvinphos, diuron and isoproturon, Chemosphere 240 (2020) 124973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124973, IF=7.086, Q1
  37. M. Cvetnić, A. Tomić, M. Sigurnjak, M. Novak Stankov, Š. Ukić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, A. Lončarić Božić, Structural features of contaminants of emerging concern behind empirical parameters of mechanistic models describing their photooxidative degradation, Journal of Water Process Engineering 33 (2020) 101053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2019.101053, IF=5.485, Q1
  38. L. Jakobek, P. Matić, Š. Kraljević, Š. Ukić, M. Benšić, A.R. Barron, Adsorption between Quercetin Derivatives and β-Glucan Studied with a Novel Approach to Modeling Adsorption Isotherms, Applied Sciences 10 (2020) 1637. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10051637, IF=2.679, Q2
  39. M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, D. Dionysiou, H. Kušić, Ecotoxicological Assessment of Microplastics in Freshwater Sources—A Review, Water 13 (2021) 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13010056, IF=3.530, Q1
  40. L. Mikac, E. Kovačević, Š. Ukić, M. Raić, T. Jurkin, I. Marić, M. Gotić, M. Ivanda, Detection of Multi-class Pesticide Residues with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 252 (2021) 119478. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2021.119478, IF=4.831, Q2
  41. M. Sigurnjak Bureš, M. Cvetnić, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, M. Rogošić, Š. Ukić, Modeling the toxicity of pollutants mixtures for risk assessment: a review, Environmental Chemistry Letters 19 (2021) 1629-1655. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10311-020-01107-5, IF=13.615, Q1
  42. M. Sigurnjak Bureš, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, V. Prevarić, M. Markić, M. Rogošić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Toxicity of binary mixtures of pesticides and pharmaceuticals toward Vibrio fischeri: Assessment by quantitative structure-activity relationships, Environmental Pollution 275 (2021) 115885. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115885, IF=9.988, Q1
  43. V. Prevarić, M. Sigurnjak Bureš, M. Cvetnić, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, M. Markić, K. Bule, M. Milković, T. Bolanča, Š. Ukić, The Problem of Phthalate Occurrence in Aquatic Environment: A Review, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 35 (2021) 81-104. https://doi.org/10.15255/CABEQ.2021.1928, IF=1.677, Q3
  44. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Miloloža, E. Lovrinčić, A. Kovačević, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, V. Prevarić, K. Bule, Š. Ukić, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, Bioremediation of MP-polluted waters using bacteria Bacillus licheniformis, Lysinibacillus massiliensis, and mixed culture of Bacillus sp. and Delftia acidovorans, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 35 (2021) 205-224. https://doi.org/10.15255/CABEQ.2021.1915, IF=1.677, Q3
  45. P. Matić, Š. Ukić, L. Jakobek, Interactions of phenolic acids and β-glucan: Studies of adsorption isotherms and thermodynamics, Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly 35 (2021) 177-187. https://doi.org/10.15255/CABEQ.2020.1902, IF=1.677, Q3
  46. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, H. Kušić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, D. Kučić Grgić, Ecotoxicological determination of microplastics toxicity on algae Chlorella sp.: Response surface modeling approach, Water, Air & Soil Pollution 232 (2021) 327. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-021-05267-0, IF=2.984, Q2
  47. V. Stankov, M. Novak Stankov, M. Cvetnić, M. Sigurnjak Bureš, Š. Ukić, D. Kučić Grgić, A. Lončarić Božić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Environmental aspects of UV-C-based processes for the treatment of oxytetracycline in water, Environmental Pollution 277 (2021) 116797. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116797, IF=9.988, Q1
  48. I. Radić, M. Runje, M. Cvetnić, M. Halužan, M. L. Jeličić, M. Miloloža, D. Kučić Grgić, V. Prevarić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, Validation of the ICP-MS method for determination of trace elements provided by ICH Q3D guideline in fosamprenavir calcium, Kemija u industriji 70 (2021) 701-709. https://doi.org/10.15255/KUI.2021.004, Q4
  49. R. Janda, Š. Ukić, N. Mikulec, K. Vitale, Bisphenol A - an environmental and human threat, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 86 (2021) 295-304. Q3
  50. M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, Š. Ukić, M. Rogošić, D.D. Dionysiou, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, Biotreatment strategies for the removal of microplastics from freshwater systems. A review, Environmental Chemistry Letters 20 (2022) 1377-1402. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10311-021-01370-0, IF=13.615 (2021), Q1
  51. M. Miloloža, K. Bule, V. Prevarić, M. Cvetnić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Assessment of the influence of size and concentration on the ecotoxicity of microplastics to microalgae Scenedesmus sp., bacterium Pseudomonas putida and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Polymers 14 (2022) 1246. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14061246, IF=5.0, Q1
  52. Š. Ukić, D. Ašperger, T. Bolanča, A brief review of chromatography in Croatia, Separations 9 (2022) 134. https://doi.org/10.3390/separations9060134, IF= 2.6, Q3
  53. M. Miloloža, Š. Ukić, M. Cvetnić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Optimization of polystyrene biodegradation by Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas alcaligenes using full factorial design, Polymers 14 (2022) 4299. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14204299, IF=5.0, Q1
  54. P. Matić, Š. Ukić, L. Jakobek, The study of adsorption kinetics of flavan-3-ols, dihydrochalcones and anthocyanins onto barley β-glucan, Croatica Chemica Acta 95 (2022) 7-13. https://doi.org/10.5562/cca3900, IF=0.3, Q4
  55. D. Kučić Grgić, M. Miloloža, V. Ocelić Bulatović, Š. Ukić, M. Slouf, V. Gajdosova, Screening the Efficacy of a Microbial Consortium of Bacteria and Fungi Isolated from Different Environmental Samples for the Degradation of LDPE/TPS Films, Separations 10 (2023) 79. https://doi.org/10.3390/separations10020079, IF= 2,5, Q3
  56. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, M. Cvetnić, H. Kušić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić, Potential of advanced oxidation as pretreatment for microplastics biodegradation, Separations 10 (2023) 132. https://doi.org/10.3390/separations10020132, IF= 2,5, Q3
  57. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, M. Cvetnić, V. Ocelić Bulatović, V. Mandić, A. Bafti, Š. Ukić, D. Kučić Grgić, T. Bolanča, Bacteria and yeasts isolated from the environment in biodegradation of PS and PVC microplastics: screening and treatment optimization, Environments 10 (2023) 207. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments10120207, IF= 3.5, Q1
  58. A. Tutić, M. Miloloža, M. Cvetnić, V. Martinjak, L. Furač, M. Markić, Š. Ukić, T. Bolanča, D. Kučić Grgić, An Overview of Coking Wastewater Characteristics and Treatment Technologies, Kemija u industriji 72 (2023) 349–358. https://doi.org/10.15255/KUI.2022.080, IF= 0.7 (2022), Q4 (2022)
  59. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, F. Radovanović-Perić, A. Bafti, M. Ujević Bošnjak, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić, Evaluation of Fenton, Photo-Fenton and Fenton-like Processes in Degradation of PE, PP, and PVC Microplastics, Water 16 (2024) 673. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16050673, IF= 3.0 (2023), Q1 (2023)
  60. K. Bule Možar, M. Miloloža, V. Martinjak, M. Ujević Bošnjak, M. Markić, T. Bolanča, M. Cvetnić, D. Kučić Grgić, Š. Ukić(*), The Potential of AOP Pretreatment in the Biodegradation of PS and PVC Microplastics by Candida parapsilosis, Water 16 (2024) 1389. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16101389IF= 3,0 (2023), Q1 (2023)
  61. P. Matić, Š. Ukić, L. Jakobek, Adsorption of procyanidins B1 and B2 onto β-Glucan: adsorption isotherms and thermodynamics, Adsorption 30 (2024) 1303-1313, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10450-024-00503-5, IF=3,0 (2023), Q1 (2023)
  62. L. Zeqiri, Š. Ukić, L. Ćurković, J. Djokic, M. Kerolli Mustafa, Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Surrounding Mining Region of Kizhnica in Kosovo, Sustainability 16 (2024) 6721. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16166721, , IF=3,3 (2023), Q1 (2023)

List of select projects

  1. 2002-2007: Ion exchange and membrane processes in chemical industry water treatment (Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia, project manager: Prof. Štefica Cerjan-Stefanović).
  2. 2007-2013: Ion exchange processes in the industrial water quality system (Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia, project manager: Prof. Tomislav Bolanča).
  3. 2008-2011: Natural zeolites in water quality system (EUREKA (E! 4208 PUREWATER), project manager: Prof. Štefica Cerjan-Stefanović)
  4. 2015-2019: Modeling of Environmental Aspects of Advanced Water Treatment for Degradation of Priority Pollutants (CSF, project manager: Prof. Tomislav Bolanča).
  5. 2017-2021: The influence of dietary fiber on bioaccessibility of polyphenols by studying adsorption and simulated digestion processes, in vitro (CSF, project manager: Assoc. Prof. Lidija Jakobek Barron).
  6. 2019-2023: Advanced Water Treatment Technologies for Microplastics Removal (CSF, project manager: Prof. Tomislav Bolanča).
  7. 2020-2022: Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building (Interreg projekt, project manager: Prof. Matthias Zessner).
  8. 2023-2027: Environmental Aspects of SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral Substances (CSF, project manager: Prof. Šime Ukić).
  9. 2024.-2026.: Production and development of compostable packaging from waste biomass for the packaging of industrially processed food products  (NPOO project, Ministry of Science, Education and Youth of the Republic of Croatia, project manager: Assoc. Prof. Dajana Kučić Grgić)

Past employments

  • 2004-2012 Scientific novice (University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology)
  • 2012-2017 Assistant Professor (University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology)
  • 2017-2022 Associate Professor (University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology)
  • 2022- Professor (University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology)