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Polymer science and technology - University of Zagreb
Šifra: 87060
ECTS: 4.0
Nositelji: izv. prof. dr. sc. Zvonimir Katančić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ljerka Kratofil Krehula
Prijava ispita: Studomat

1. komponenta

Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Predavanja 30
Laboratorijske vježbe 15
Seminar 15
* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)
Opis predmeta:
Cilj kolegija
The aim is to introduce students to polymer science and technology. The knowledge includes polymerization processes: bulk, solvent, suspension and emulsion. Basis of thermodynamics of polymer solubility, degradation, compatibility. Polymers waste management, methods for reducing the volume of plastic waste.

Izvedbeni program kolegija
1. Introduction to polymer science. Classification of polymers. Nomenclature of polymers.
2. Chain growth polymerization. Step growth polymerization. Catalysts.
3. Ionic polymerization: anionic and cationic polymerization. Living polymers.
4. Reaction of copolymerization. Lewis-Mayo equation. Typical copolymerization diagrams.
5. Ring-opening polymerization.
6. Polymer processes: Bulk polymerization and polymerization in solution. Suspension polymerization. Emulsion polymerization.
7. Reactors in polymer chemistry. Reactions of crosslinking.
Degradation of polymers.
8. 1st Partial exam
9. Polymer Materials: structure properties relations
10. Synthetic polymers
11. Biopolymers
12. Thermodynamics of solubility, Compatibility of polymers blends and composites
13. Technology of plastics processing
14. Polymer Waste Management and Sustainable development
15. 2nd partial exam

Seminar: Making presentations or written seminar paper on a given topic
Preduvjeti za upis predmeta: Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry
Preduvjeti za polaganje predmeta: Accepted seminars and laboratory reports

Razvijanje općih i specifičnih kompetencija studenata General competencies of students 1st: understanding polymer systems during synthesis, 2nd: competence to understanding and analyzing production processes of polymers, 3rd: understanding of the basic knowledge of synthesis, structure and properties, and the competence to identify and solve problems in the field of waste plastics.
Specific competencies of students: 1st: gaining knowledge about the synthesis of polymeric materials, 2nd: understanding the mechanisms of catalytic polymerization processes, 3rd: knowledge of understanding the basic elements of chemistry and materials engineering related to the chemical composition, structure, manufacturing, properties and applications, 4th: knowledge about the basic principles of environmental protection and polymers waste management, 5th: ability to independently present lab results in written and oral form.

Obaveze studenata u nastavi i načini njihova izvršavanja: Students have to attend lectures and seminars. They also have to write a report from their lab exercises.
Način izvođenja nastave:
1. Power point presentations
2. Seminars
3. Laboratory practice

Način provjere znanja i polaganja ispita: Written and oral exam if necessary
Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti kolegija: Students surveys

Ishodi učenja kolegija:
1. Choose an appropriate method for the synthesis of polymers
2. Evaluate the polymerization process
3. Choose the processing method of polymers
4. Recommend the possible application of polymer materials related to their chemical composition, structure and properties
5. Plan the characterization procedure of polymer materials
6. Predict the polymer recycling process based on their structure

Ishodi učenja na razini programa kojima predmet pridonosi
1. Apply the more complex principles of chemistry built upon the foundations of the Bachelors degree
2. Relate essential facts, concepts and chemical principles and theories relating to the advanced chemistry areas
3. Use advanced laboratory procedures and instrumentation in synthetic and analytical work

Obvezna literatura: -
Ishodi učenja:
3. semestar
Izborna grupa - Redovni modul - Kemija okoliša
Izborna grupa - Redovni modul - Primijenjena organska kemija
Izborna grupa - Redovni modul - Specifični materijali i napredne tehnologije
Termini konzultacija:

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, 

Predavanja iz drugog dijela kolegija započet će u četvrtak, 21. studenog 2024., prema rasporedu, s početkom u 10 h.


Izv. prof. dr. sc. Zvonimir Katančić

Autor: Zvonimir Katančić
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